Today we pay tribute to the Knights In Satan’s Service.
Famous Monsters Saturday
25 Facts about the most feared vampire of all time!
PULP COVER FRIDAY AND THE TRIUMPHANT RETURN OF THE MASTER OF MEN! Due to the overwhelming crush of popular demand (Okay. One person demanded it. But see, this is what happens when you speak up. Come on, people, let your voices be heard!) and also because these covers are just so awesomely awesome (I have run out of words), here’s …
BLIND DEAD DISAPPOINTS I was noodling around IMDB, going after some actual facts to accompany this review, while at the same time thinking, “I need a good start to this,’ and, ask and ye shall receive. I almost never quote anonymous net-reviewers, but this comment is dead-on and is probably more concise than anything I could say, so, thank you …
Cool Actor of the Week: Lance Henriksen
Lance Henriksen is the kind of Cool Actor we love here at Cheese Magnet: an intense, brooding kind of man with an old school kind of toughness. He doesn’t need to throw punches or shoot guns to prove his toughness, his steely demeanor and gravely voice are enough to scare anyone into submission. Lance was born in New York City …
Nightbeast (1982)
His hands tear through flesh and bone!
PULP COVER FRIDAY PRESENTS: THE MASTER OF MEN! Richard Wentworth, a.k.a. The Spider, Master Of Men!, may have been the third most popular pulp hero of the 1930’s, but he tried harder than any of the others. My God, did he ever try harder. If you’re looking for sheer, balls to the wall crazy-eyed devastation and destruction, then you’ve found …
Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut
A lot more like the Superman II I wanted when I was 16.
Cool Actor of the Week: Doug Jones
Last weekend’s Albuquerque Comic Expo was a fantastic event, the Cheese Magnet crew had a great time meeting fans and celebrities alike. One of my favorite things about conventions is seeing how so many celebrities are really kind, decent people. We had the honor of being stationed next to the great Jim Kelly and found him to be a really …
PULP COVER FRIDAY: EARLY BIRD EDITION “Can’t stop to chat — I’m off to the Albuquerque Comic Expo. See you there!”
Revisiting Firefly, Episode 9: “Ariel”
ScottP starting off the Big Damn Discussion this time, and it’s another good episode so I probably won’t have as much to say about it as I’d like. Also, this is another one that’s impossible to talk about without some major spoilage, so if you haven’t seen it, please watch it now. I’ll just sit here, it’s fine. This time …
Cheese Magnet at ACE
We’ve been plugging the Albuquerque Comic Expo for awhile now, and the show is finally here — ACE happens Friday, June 24-Sunday June 26 at the Albuquerque Convention Center, and we can’t wait for it all to start! Several of the Cheese Magneteers will be on hand — John Jos. Miller will be at the Wild Cards booth (and don’t …
Cool Actor of the Week: Jim Kelly
This week we look at action hero and ACE guest Jim Kelly!
BOOK REVIEW TWO THE FORGOTTEN PLANET by Murray Leinster (1954) Here’s the pleasantly surprising review I promised. Before we tackle the book at hand, a few words about the author. His real name was Will F. Jenkins (1896-1975). He wrote over 1500 stories and articles in many genres over a writing career that started in 1916 with a story in …
Classic Rock Sunday — ACE Edition
We’re doing something a little different here this week (and running late at the same time): ACE, The Albuquerque Comic Expo, is happening next weekend (June 24-26) at the Albuquerque Convention Center, so I thought we’d throw a selection of songs your way that suit the mood of wild anticipation we’re feelin’ around Cheese Magnet Central. So enjoy, and don’t …