Since I’m busy gettin’ dolled up for Bubonicon and I don’t wanna leave the Cheese Magnet hangin’, I thought I’d link to some sites that will keep you happy for the next few days (and even longer!). Meanwhile, I’m sure my buddy Tanzi will have some interesting stuff for you while I’m away, so fret not!
W. Haden Blackman — author of The Field Guide to North American Monsters and lots more
Phantoms & Monsters — very cool site with lots of info on exactly what you’d expect from the name
Plaid Stallions — awesome 70s pop culture site
James Burke’s YouTube Channel — watch episodes of Burke’s terrific show, Connections
Bob Vardeman’s Blog — prolific author Robert E. Vardeman muses on all manner of things
This Is My Good Eye — Axel Howerton’s blog
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